The Delancey - NYC
Aug 2 2005
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with thanks to The Delancey


We last encountered sometime punkcast cameragirl Leesaw back in #376 chasing one of Earl Greyhound. She, in time, like us then, has come to appreciate another member of the band, the bassist Kamara. After much water has passed under the bridge, she has teamed up with her and a sizable klatsch of other girls in a new band project called Pyradical. Leesaw's cooking skills over the last few months, via a guest appearance with Jah Division, have extended from food to sound, and her contribution to Pyradical is a melange of eerie whoops, movie audio samples, roaring sea noises, and other dub effects. Kamara plays the drums. Others play xylophone, bandsaw, percussion, bass, & guitar. Leesaw also provided typical buccaneering landscapes, courtesy of a recent trip to the Caribbean, projected behind the band. Altho they haven't played that often, The Delancey was well crowded for this show, and each song was greeted by hearty cries of approval. 'Storm' is one of their more uptempo numbers, from about halfway thru the set.

capture captain: joly
date posted: 8/29/05

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