Julia Haltigan
Sidewalk Cafe - NYC
Aug 24 2004
sponsored by
WWWhatsup Online Pinstand
with thanks to Sidewalk Café

'i'm sure i can make it fall'

Two days after we saw Julia Vorontsova the NYC Summer AntiFolk Festival 2004 gave us an opportunity to catch another Julia - Julia Haltigan. Unlike the immigrant Vorontsova, Haltigan is born and bred in NYC. But obviously going places. I was particularly taken by this song, about hope in the face of the artifices that keep us from those we love.

And yes there is VCD of this. However I arrived late and only got the last 3 songs. A copy can be procured from the pinstand at the usual rate of $4 ($5 foreign) - email orders@pinstand.com and ask for VCD529.

capture captain: joly
date posted: 10/18/04

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WWWhatsup new york antifolk

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