Kimmel Hall - NYU - NYC
Mar 25 2004
sponsored by
WWWhatsup Online Pinstand
with thanks to WNYU

'like i give a fuck'

Finally I get lucky with !!! (which you can pronounce chk chk chk if you wish). I attempted them on Halloween.at Office Ops, but they played under black light so n/g. Then I missed them at Motherfucker!. !!! shows are not that common, members having plenty of other commitments, including Out Hud, and some still residing in their old hometown of Sacramento. It seems they have been recording a new album, which might account for this recent little run. The clip here "Pardon My Freedom" is one of the new songs..

And yes i have knocked up a VCD of the show, that is VCD423 (6:36.25). As you'll notice on the clip I've monochromed it since the light was all red. There's another brand new tune there - "Dear Can". You can get a copy from the pinstand for $4 inc. mail ($5 foreign) - if interested email orders@pinstand.com with the subject=VCD, and I'll let you know the process. (paypal accepted).

capture captain: joly
date posted: 4/25/04

WWWhatsup !!!

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