Feb 6 2003
sponsored by
WWWhatsup Online Pinstand
with thanks to CBGB

'she just..'

I had got to know Joshua only through his illustration work, including the Augustus Pablo pic here, and Ras Kush's logo. Thus I was a bit surprised when he called me up to come and shoot him play with his band at CBGB. Upper West Side based Tallgrass, in contrast to the quirky Brooklyn stuff I have been on lately, play straight ahead jazz rock with Joshua belting out the vocals. I think this was their first show, and obviusly the band is a work in progress. However, as Joshua brings the expansive vision combined with fine attention to detail we know from his drawing to his songwriting, the outlook is good. The song here concerns a girl who got lucky.

And yes i have knocked up a VCD of all 9 tunes played which, subject to an ok from the band you can get from the pinstand for $4 inc. mail ($5 foreign) - if interested email orders@pinstand.com with the subject=tallgrass_VCD, and I'll let you know.

capture captain: joly

WWWhatsup Tallgrass

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