PUNKCAST#158 T3 4PE@CE Chashama - Times Sq - NYC May 5 2002 sponsored by WWWhatsup Online Pinstand and arboretumNYC with thanks to Chashama |
't3 4PE@CE'
In Dec 2001 Planet Generation (PG2M) held ZE CONCERT 4 PE@CE just before New Years in the south, near Toulouse.
Missy Galore, featured in PUNKCAST#96, and inventor of the TeleTwinTowers, attended that concert and assisted Leesaw with visuals. A 4PE@CE record was released in France in the spring. Meanwhile, PG2M's Andro Genius had relocated to NYC and she and Missy joined forces on this follow-up effort - a 4 day free 'meglamedia' marathon in a storefront just off of Times Square, crossroads of the world as it is known.. T3 4PE@CE included installations, projections, performances, forums, massages, food, and a full-on all night d'n'b rave on the Saturday night. Everywhere there were vcr/monitor combos playing different material, including the toilets. Things got a little surreal at times as heavyweights such as Amy Goodman polemicized while being lushly video remixed on multiple back projections. Loudspeakers fixed outside captured the attention of passers-by as a series of peculiar acts and musicians performed in the store window. In the corner of which sat the actual Tele Twin Towers - 2 stacks of monitors playing a program of 9-11 related art-video. The event was intermittently webcast and one was able to keep up with the action via brief visits on trips across town and the net when elsewhere. I took the camera down on Sunday morning as Kush and Ari had both been lined up to appear in the post-rave warm'n'easy session. Kush was, however, elsewhere (Nebraska) and nearly all the rave survivors were passed out.. Starbucks was imported and Leesaw, who has been practicing her selecter skills in Paris, stepped in and flung roots 45's as the crowd stretched back to life. More people arrived including Ari who hopped off down the block to (I am guessing) take Wilton to Spider-Man, which had just opened. A little party developed and a microphone was eventually set up and those present encouraged to step up as music played gently. A girl, Yuki, speculated briefly about the possibilities of open-ness - 'not holding but sharing'.. A genial fellow reflected existentially on the occurrence of the t3 4PE@CE event. Then Yuki, on a roll, spoke again and sung a song for emphasis. That is the first clip below. The hypnotic music playing behind is 'Les Sept Sages de Mesopateme' by Laurent Diouf of PG2M. Later, as Andro played 'So many.. So Little..' from nuyorican poet KAYO, DJ Shane Digital delivered a cryptic acronymic riddle.. That is the second clip, including some extra footage of the front window, and even a brief shot of Selecter Leesaw .
DJ Shane Digital ran a d'n'b session over lunch. After a failure to connect with King of PG2M tried for a live set from France, people danced as the 4PE@CE record was played instead in conclusion. Then many headed off to the after party - Tompkins Sq Pk, where Bambaata was playing. In closing comments Missy did promise to produce a documentary, which we eagerly await. The clips here do not do justice to the richness of the video projections |
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capture captain: joly
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