18th Dye
Marnie Stern
Gang Gang Dance
Santos' Party House NYC
Nov 29th 2008

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with thanks to Santos' Party House

"House Jam"

This was the second of two NYC shows the weekend after Thamksgiving. The Marnie Stern/Gang Gang Dance tour of Fall 2008 had confused, confounded, and amazed concertgoers from coast-to-coast in the latter days of the year. Primed by two of the strongest indie-albums of the year - Marnie's intense and radical sophomore effort 'This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That' - and Gang Gang's 4th, and palatable, 'Saint Dymphna' many new fans and others ventured out to get the full-on alternative experience. Here in NYC, of course, we are a bit more used to this sort of thing, but nevertheless when Marnie goes all out - one reviewer has likened to "Eddie Van Halen playing lead for Animal Collective" - jaws were still dropping, particularly now that - rather than AC - she has the power duo of of Mark Shippy of the recently defunct US Maple and ex-Parts & Labor-er Jim Sykes backing her up. Here are two songs - the metallesque 'Crippled Jazzer' and the deerhoofian 'Grapefruit'. Gang Gang, as mentioned, are taking less evasive action than in the past, and put on a playful show that had the crowd bouncing along merrily, particularly on the new hit 'House Jam' but also on more moody pieces such as the engaging 'Crystals.'. Exotic opener - just for this night - was the reformed 90's Danish/German hybrid 18th Dye, famouus for their Albini produced opus 'Tribute To A Bus' - here are 'Air' and, a new song, 'Amorines'.

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ipod | stills | youtube

ipod | stills | youtube

ipod | stills | youtube

The Gang Gang record is available from Social Registry, the Marnie record from Kill Rock Stars, and 18th Dye have a new album coming early in 2009 - tracks can be bought directly from their MySpace. I did, as you may notice, not have much luck recording vocals at this show so, while there are dvd's - they're not up to the usual standard.

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capture captain: joly
date posted: 12/30/08

Myspace 18th Dye

Myspace Marnie Stern

Myspace Gang Gang Dance

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