The Moldy Peaches
WFMU Record Fair NYC
Nov 3rd 2001
sponsored by
WWWhatsup Online Pinstand
with thanks to WFMU

'Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I don't like you.'

Fresh off the Strokes tour The Moldy Peaches make a special live radio appearance at a thriving fall WFMU record fair. Unfortunately the listeners were unable to witness their spectacularly cute get up's, or the onstage - well, on floor - dramatics. I shot from atop the charming free merry-go-round. Here are the last two songs,

Pictured at the top of the page, playing guitar on this show, is Aaron Wilkinson. Sorry to say, Aaron is no longer with us, having died on July 2 2003. Aaron, loved by all, is sorely missed. He had a history of volunteer work with kids, particularly at the Bridgeport Camp in Texas. In memoriam, money is being raised to fund a Aaron Wilkinson Memorial Playground. A benefit was held in June 04 in NYC and, at Kimya's suggestion, I mastered this whole show to VCD to be sold at the event. 9+ tracks - 28:01. You can get a copy from the pinstand, as usual for $4 inc mail (5$ foreign). Email orders@pinstand.com for info. Ask for VCD104. The price does not include a donation to the playground fund - they should be made directly to: Bridgeport Camp and Conference Center P.O. Box 215, Bridgeport, TX 76426-0215. Aaron's dad Dennis can be contacted at fhumcdw@wf.net for more info. I also made an aaron pin, see the wwwhatsup below.

capture captain: joly
originally posted: 11/7/01
revised: 10/05/04
fixed: 6/14/05

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