9/14/97 - CBGB'S - The Bowery - New York
9/13/97 - The Rathskellar - Boston - Mass.
9/11/97 - The Pipeline - Newark - New Jersey
9/10/97 - Coney Island High NYC
Aug 97 - foreplay
Awesome is without doubt the best way to describe One Way Systems last show here, a matinee performance at the legendary CBGB'S.
RealVideo - video emphasised
Play Online
Leave Me Alone
Play Online
Stab The Judge
RealVideo - video emphasised
318k file
Leave Me Alone
319k file
Stab The Judge
Desktape RealAudio3 16k mono
Play Online one_way_system_cbgb_16k.ram
This Is The Age - No Return - Aint No Answers - Search Your Soul - Riot Torn City - Corrupted World - Slaughtered - Victim - Leave Me Alone - Breakin In - Reason Why - One Way System - Believe Yourself - Waste Away - Days Are Numbered - Gutter Boy
Desktape RealAudio3 16k mono
5054k file one_way_system_cbgb1_16k.ra
This Is The Age - No Return - Aint No Answers - Search Your Soul - Riot Torn City - Corrupted World - Slaughtered - Victim - Leave Me Alone - Breakin In - Reason Why - One Way System - Believe Yourself - Waste Away - Days Are Numbered - Gutter Boy
1840k file one_way_system_cbgb2_16k.ra
Nightmares - Stab The Judge - Jackie Was A Junkie - Jerusalem - Give Us A Future
Desktape RealAudio3 40k mono
Play Online one_way_system_cbgb_40k.ram
Aint No Answers - Corrupted World - Reason Why - One Way System - Believe Yourself - Stab The Judge - Jackie Was A Junkie - Jerusalem - Give Us A Future
Desktape RealAudio3 40k mono
871k file one_way_system_aint_no_answers_cbgb_40k.ra
Aint No Answers
694k file one_way_system_corrupted_world_cbgb_40k.ra
Corrupted World
2393k file one_way_system_3songs_cbgb_40k.ra
Reason Why - One Way System - Believe Yourself
3660k file one_way_system_encore_cbgb_40k.ra
Stab The Judge - Jackie Was A Junkie - Jerusalem - Give Us A Future
Still Pictures page
Val Bracken's flyer for the show 58k
A quick trip to Boston, for an excellent matinee show in the bowels of the steamy
Rat. No desktape facilities again, but theres some videocam audio
Videocam RealAudio3 16k mono
1501k file
Victim - Corrupted World
Still Pictures
So, a wild and chaotic show again. Jetlag just about gone, the band kicked ass to a packed out Pipeline crowd. Video was shot again by a couple of people and we got a desktape along with a few more stills than yesterday
Desktape RealAudio3 16k mono
Play Online one_way_system_pipeline.ram
Victim - This is the Age - Reason Why - No Return - Leave Me Alone - Aint No Answers - Days Are Numbered - Believe Yourself - Slaughtered - Riot Torn City - Stab the Judge - Nightmares - Give Us A Future
Desktape RealAudio3 16k mono
2087k file one_way_system_pipeline1.ra
Victim - This is the Age - Reason Why - No Return - Leave Me Alone - Aint No Answers - Days Are Numbered
1150k file one_way_system_pipeline2.ra
Believe Yourself - Slaughtered - Riot Torn City
301k file one_way_system_pipeline3.ra
Stab the Judge
(last song)
812k file one_way_system_pipeline4.ra
Nightmares - Give Us A Future
Still Pictures page
Val Bracken's flyer for the show 143k
Unfortunately Coney had no tape deck attached to the desk, but
at least 2 vids were shot, and some stills,
a quick realaudio take of one song off of the video cam
338k file one_way_system_reason_why_coney.ra
Again from videocam RealAudio 40k
3437k file one_way_system_coney_live_40k.ra
Stab The Judge - Jackie Was A Junkie - Jerusalem - Riot Torn City
MPEG video of 'Believe Yourself' 3561k file one_way_system_believe_coney.mpg
Val Bracken's flyer for the show 102k
One Way System, reformed after 11 years and freshly invigorated by new singer Lee Havoc, finish up European dates, spend a couple of weeks in Japan, then set their sights on the good 'ole USA
a promo vid of "Believe Yourself" made from Japanese tour footage
3149k mpeg file one_way_system_in_japan.mpg
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capture by johnb